Aiming to reuse books
Out of the 100 000 textbooks sold to KU Leuven students annually, only about 20% is sold second hand. Theoretically, this could be increased to 70% if appropriate systems were implemented. We challenge student associations and students to step up their game, by means of an intercampus competition.
There are already several ways to resell your coursebook second hand, using a facebook-page, a website or simply sell it to an acquaintance. Yet, we observe that only a fraction of the books is sold this way, about 20%.
This is due to a lack of acquaintances or a lack of effort, because with the current system, it requires quite some motivation for a student to buy books second hand.
Using facebook or a website is a hassle, you are dependent on the limited offer. If there are books available, you still have to send multiple persons and meet with them before you have the books.
Having a friend with the books is the best scenario, but because of the different study-trajects, overlap between years and student who are not on track with their courses, it becomes quite hard to find one person having all books you need.
Some people figure how to get cheap and sustainable books, but most do not.
Fortunately, there are several solutions to our problem. If our students associations manage to implement a system, where they facilitate students to resell and buy their books second hand, the percentage of second hand books could increase up to 70%. The different possible systems are discussed in the levels page. The amount of books one faculty will sell second hand will depend on the students association, but primarily on the participation of students.
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At lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form by injected humour.