Book Cycle
LEVEL 4 - Risk site-incorporation

*The Level 4 system would be great if it could be implemented, but for it to work, it needs a collaboration between the Cudi’s and an external organisation who can take the risk. We think that a similar system without the Cudi's help to collect and resell the books is not feasible. We support this system, but only if both parties are willing to cooperate.

Risk site-incorporation

Collecting the books happens one semester prior to selling. Students can hand in books during a certain period of time. The Cudi’s then checks/filters the books. All the bad books are refused. If the book is considered good enough, the Cudi buys it from the student. Which makes it more attractive for students to sell their books, as they get their money straight away.

Once collected, the second hand books are integrated in the first hand system. Students buying books then have a “checkbox”-option on the website “to buy second hand books, if any available”.

Students get their money straight away

Long hand-in period

More communication opportunities

Commission is possible

Financial risk

Storage required

A lot of work

No price flexibility

Website rework required

Ease for students
Work for Cudi
Second hand

Important factors applied

We discuss each factor applied to this system.

Hand-in period

Again, this is determined by the Cudis, but as you do it during the semester, you have more possibilities. You can for example make a letter box where students can drop their books, or let students hand in the books during a period of several days in a room. In short, there are more and better opportunities.

Ease of buying

As easy and efficient as the first hand system. Because the system is completely integrated in the first hand system, there is no difference in effort for a student to get its books compared to the first hand system.


Communication is key in convincing the students to hand-in their books. Ideally, you do a sort of campaign where you try to convince students using different channels. You can use social media, banners, mails, promo-video’s, ask professors to persuade students, etc. All of these would work less effectively if you do it the first week of the semester.

Price flexibility

The Cudi determines a fixed price for each book, meaning students cannot negotiate between themselves about a price. This is inconvenient, because it means that a book in a good shape will have the same price as one in a bad shape.

Filtering required

The Cudi will have to filter the books. If a student wants to sell his/her books to the Cudi, but it is in such a bad state, then they will have to refuse. This is good for the students, as only decent books are used in the system. The bad part is that it requires extra work from the Cudi.


Storage is required. The exact size of the storage room depends on the amount of books collected.


This system requires automated transactions to sellers and from buyers. Implementing such systems in your website is expensive.


The Cudi can charge a commission to compensate for expenses.

Financial risk

At this level, there is a high financial risk for the organisation buying the books. It is not guaranteed that every book, bought from students, will be resold. We therefore recommend to cooperate with an organisation with larger capital.

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