Book Cycle
LEVEL 2 - Letter box

*This is the system we recommend to use! It involves no risk or financial investments and it takes away most hassle for students

Letter box

In level this you collect all the second hand books one semester prior to the sale. This is done during a period of time (e.g. one week) where sellers can leave their books at a certain place or drop it in a letter box. Similar to the trading period, they put a sticker on it, with the price, the bank account number and their mail.

You can also work with a form that needs to be submitted by sellers for each book. The form returns a unique code which you can write on the sticker. In the form, you ask the name of the book, the edition, the price, the IBAN, mail, and some more things if you want to. Doing so allows you to keep a record of which books you have in stock and makes sure the IBAN is readable. Knowing the books in stock can be used in convincing the students to come to the room, by assuring them the book they need is available.

Long hand-in period

More communication opportunities

Little hassle for students

Price flexibility

Storage required

A bit more work than one trading day

Short buy period

Ease for students
Work for Cudi
Second hand

Important factors applied

We discuss each factor applied to this system.

Hand-in period

Again, this is determined by the Cudis, but as you do it during the semester, you have more possibilities. You can for example make a letter box where students can drop their books, or let students hand in the books during a period of several days in a room. In short, there are more and better opportunities.

Ease of buying

Because all the books are collected a semester before, you have all books by the start of your selling days. This increases the chance for students that the books they need will be available, and therefore makes it easier for them to buy second hand.
Also, you can keep an online list of all second hand books which are in stock. A simple shared excel can be sufficient. This way you can assure students that the book they want is available.


As mentioned earlier, communication is key in convincing the students to hand-in their books. Ideally, you do a sort of campaign where you try to convince students using different channels. You can use social media, banners, mails, promo-video’s, ask professors to persuade students, etc. All of these would work less effectively if you do it the first week of the semester.

Price flexibility

The basic laws of offer and demand apply here, as the students can set the prices of books themselves, the Cudi’s don’t have to bother about this.

Filtering required

No filtering is required. All books can be handed in. Books in a bad state will simply be worth less. Because of the price flexibility, students can compensate for this by selling it at a lower price.


The books need to be stored between the two semesters. The room can be different from the first hand storage. If you have a lack of storing capacity, the KUL might help you with this.


The buyer transfers the money to the IBAN of the seller. The Cudi is not a financial intermediary, so no transaction hassle involved in this system.


As the Cudi is not the financial intermediary, no commission can be charged.

Financial risk

The Cudi does not buy any books from the students, so no financial risks involved.

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